Genesis is a wonderful place to spend time in peaceful reflection. The tranquil grounds and gentle autumn breeze create a perfect backdrop to immerse yourself in a spiritual book. Recently, I delved into Mirabai Starr’s thought-provoking, Ordinary Mysticism: Your Life as Sacred Ground. I was particularly touched by several passages that resonate deeply with my soul…
Living as a mystic means orienting the whole of yourself toward the sacred. It’s a matter of purposely looking through the lens of love… When you say yes to cultivating a mystical gaze, the ordinary world becomes more luminous, imbued with flashes of beauty and moments of meaning. The universe responds to your willingness to behold the holy by revealing almost everything as holy… Set your intention to uncover the jewels buried in the heart of what already is… Open your heart, and then do everything you can to keep it open. Light every candle in the room… This is what it means to be a mystic. To show up for what is, to be present to all that is, to take refuge in the boundless intimacy of exactly what is.1
Joseph Krans, Executive Director
Genesis Spiritual Life & Conference Center

1 Mirabai Starr, Ordinary Mysticism: Your Life as Sacred Ground (New York: HarperCollins, 2024)