Ongoing Support Groups
Ongoing Support Groups
We acknowledge our fears and run toward them – we get better at listening, observing, feeling – and intuiting our way forward. And in community, we learn how to activate our hope and the purpose that brings us alive. Below is a list of our ongoing support meetings that take place on-site at Genesis unless otherwise specified. DOWNLOAD FLYER.
Daily Reflections Group – Meet Monday through Sunday 7:00 am to 8:00 am on-site at Genesis. Open AA meeting, format varies. Anyone recovering from addiction to alcohol.
12-Step Reflection Group – In memory of Sr Madeleine Joy S.P. who founded this Reflection Group 36+ years ago, the group will continue to meet monthly in person or via teleconference phone call on the 3rd Wednesday from 7-9:00pm. This monthly gathering is an opportunity to reflect on your lived experience of any 12 step recovery program. There is no fee for this group meeting. Please dial 1-716-427-1402, then when prompted press 740762#. We hope you can join us.
“Stairway to Serenity” Al-Anon Meeting – Meets Fridays at 7:00 pm, Group #6460. This is a “hybrid” meeting combining Zoom and the in-person meeting. For more information and a Zoom link, contact Bonnie by text at 413-427-7584.
Conscious Contact 11th Step Meeting – Meets Sunday from 10:30 am to 11:30 am and Thursday evenings from 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm. Open meeting, anyone recovering from addiction to alcohol and/or other substances who is seeking to improve their conscious contact with a Higher Power is invited to attend our weekly 11th-step meeting. Contact Ned at 413-386-6055.
CoDA Co-Dependents Anonymous is a fellowship of individuals who support one another as we develop healthy, loving, and fulfilling relationships with ourselves and others. Meets Mondays at 6:30 pm. We rely on the 12 Steps and 12 traditions and a Higher Power of our own understanding as a foundation for growth, self-discovery, healing, and recovery. All are welcome. Contact 413-527-8700.