Incarnation, a word with tremendous depth, meaning, and hope.
Incarnation, God making themselves known through things created.
Incarnation, God becoming one in human form.

The First Incarnation: Creation
God known through the mystery and magnificence of the universe.
Through every swirling galaxy, blazing star, and distant planet.
Through nebulae birthing new worlds and supernovae painting the cosmos.

Through our sister, mother earth, a blue jewel in the vastness of space.
Through every ancient rock, towering tree, and delicate flower.
Through each fish in the depths, bird on the wing, and creature that roams.

Through majestic mountains, verdant valleys, and thundering waterfalls.
Through fiery sunsets that paint the sky and rainbows that bridge heaven and earth.
Echoing in every atom, every breath, every moment.

The Second Incarnation: Jesus, Christ become human
God becoming one with humanity, bridging divine and mortal.
Entering the world in humility, simplicity, and poverty.
A child in a manger, hope cradled in straw.

An agent of peace, compassion, mercy, and forgiveness.
Loving through service, inclusion, and restoration.
Embracing the outcast, healing the broken, loving the lost and vulnerable.

Leading not through power, but through self-giving love.
Challenging injustice with non-violence, hatred with forgiveness.
Including all in the circle of Divine love.

The Incarnations Entwined
From the vastness of the cosmos to the intimacy of a human heart,
God’s love made manifest, tangible, knowable.
In creation and in Christ, we glimpse the face of the Divine,
Calling us to live love, to be love, to incarnate love in our world.

Joseph Krans, Executive Director
Genesis Spiritual Life & Conference Center