Christian Living
To live as a Christian means to embody a life deeply rooted in love for God, humanity, and all of creation. A Christian is one who seeks to follow Christ’s example by cultivating simplicity, compassion, and joy in daily life. This transformative relationship with God influences how one treats others and the world. It involves seeing God’s presence in everyday experiences, practicing gratitude, and actively working for peace and justice. It means developing a reverence for all creation, embracing a balance of contemplative prayer and engaged action, and striving to be an instrument of God’s love in the world. Christian spirituality integrates faith with social and environmental concerns, always seeking to grow in love and to share that love with others.
Central to this Christian life is active participation in the rituals and practices of the faith community. This includes engaging in regular worship and prayer, observing sacred seasons, and incorporating faith practices into daily routines. Christians are called to be part of a faith community, participating in fellowship and service activities. Through these shared experiences and practices, Christians deepen their faith, strengthen communal bonds, and continually renew their commitment to living out their beliefs in the world.
Key Aspects:
- Walking in the footsteps of Christ
- Finding God in ritual and practice
- Incarnational Theology and Reverence for Creation
- Contemplation and Action: Commitment to Prayer, Peace and Justice
- Finding God in the Everyday: Living a life of Love, Joy and Gratitude
In essence, this perspective on Christian spirituality offers a way of life that is both deeply rooted in tradition and radically relevant to contemporary challenges. It invites believers to experience the transformative power of God’s love in all aspects of their lives and to become agents of that love in the world.
The innovative programs and welcoming environment of Genesis Spiritual Life Center create a transformative sanctuary for individuals seeking to deepen their Christian living through holistic spiritual growth. By offering retreats, workshops, and spiritual direction, Genesis provides diverse opportunities for participants to cultivate compassion, enhance their faith, and engage meaningfully with God and others. Genesis embodies a living approach to Christian spirituality that honors the sacred in every moment, every person, and every aspect of creation.
Some Topics Related to Christian Living include:
Join us on a transformative journey of Christian living, where you can actively embody God’s love through compassionate action, engage in deep spiritual practices, and explore the sacred in every moment, person, and aspect of creation.
Upcoming Christian Living programs
Lenten Simple Supper Series: Sacred Silence
With Joseph Krans, OFS
Lenten Simple Supper Series: Making Room for the Holy
With Eileen Epperson
Lenten Simple Supper Series: Sowing Wildflowers
With MaryAnne Davey
Lenten Simple Supper Series: The Liminality of Lent: Embracing the Space Between
With Colleen Mollica
Listening to the River of Life: A Contemplative Writing Retreat
With Anne A. Simpkinson
Nurturing Your Spirit: A 6-Day Silent Directed Retreat
With Mary Ann Connolly, SC
Nurturing Your Spirit: A 6-Day Silent Directed Retreat
With Jo Ann Bourquard
Ecological Stations of the Cross: A Journey of Environmental Reflection
With Joseph Krans, OFS
By His Cross and Resurrection: A Triduum Retreat
With Joseph Krans, OFS
Nurturing Your Spirit: A 6-Day Silent Directed Retreat
With Nancy Sheridan, SASV
Nurturing Your Spirit: A 6-Day Silent Directed Retreat
With Nicki Verploegen, Ph.D.
Nature’s Wisdom: A Spiritual Experience of Nature
With Colleen Mollica
Breathe Life into Prayer: Creative Spiritual Pathways
With Jo Ann Bourquard
Nature’s Wisdom: A Spiritual Experience of Nature
With Colleen Mollica
I AM That I AM: The Invitation at the Center of Contemplative Prayer
With Anne Simpkinson and Claire Rusowicz
Nurturing Your Spirit: A 6-Day Silent Directed Retreat
With Fr. Michael Broderick
Nurturing Your Spirit: A 6-Day Silent Directed Retreat
With Nancy Sheridan, SASV
Nature’s Wisom: A Spiritual Experience of Nature
With Colleen Mollica
Guided BioSpiritual Focusing Weeklong Retreat
With Donna O'Connor and Mike Smoolca
Divine Radiance in Human Evolution – A Virtual Retreat
With Diarmuid O'Murchu, MSC
Nurturing Your Spirit: A 4-Day Silent Directed Retreat
With MaryAnne Davey
Nurturing Your Spirit: A 4-Day Silent Directed Retreat
With Alice Poltorick
Our Sacred Family: Care for Creation by Ilia Delio – Virtual Book Study
With Joseph Krans, OFS
Blessing of the Animals
With Joseph Krans, OFS
Dreaming the Sacred: Soul-Tending through Dreams
With Liz Walz, MA
Restoring Sacred Conversation with Earth
With Victoria Loorz
Come to the Table: A Day on the Holy Spirit
With Michelle Suhocki and Valenda Liptak
Present to Presence: A Centering Prayer Retreat
With Anne Simpkinson
Mindful Transitions: A Contemplative Year End Retreat
With Joseph Krans, OFS