5-Day Guided BioSpiritual Focusing Retreat
Thursday – Tuesday, August 24-29, 2023
Facilitated by the BioSpiritual Focusing Leadership Team
“Your physically felt body is in fact part of a gigantic system of here and other places, now and other times, you and other people – in fact, the whole Universe. This sense of being bodily alive in a vast system is the body as it is felt from the inside.” Eugene Gendlin
“By trial and error, we are slowly learning how to pass this missing link on to those who find themselves hungry for experience and not just more talk or ideas about God, but rather, in the words of St. Luke, that they would, ‘seek, reach out for, and perhaps find the One who is really not far from any of us – the One in whom we live and move and have our very being’…” (Acts 17:27-28 TIB) Fr. Ed McMahon
In this guided retreat, we will explore the practice of BioSpiritual Focusing as based on the work of Eugene Gendlin and further developed by Frs. Pete Campbell and Ed McMahon. Participants will attend morning group sessions of learning and discussion, and each afternoon, will meet one-on-one with a Focusing Companion. There will be two optional evening discussions, providing observations and opportunities for questions regarding the process of BioSpiritual Focusing. Silence after lunch is suggested. As you participate in this life-giving and life-changing experience over the course of the week, you will become more and more aware of the sacred story you carry in your own body and the movement of grace in your life.
Begins with supper at 6:00pm on Thursday and concludes at 11am after Closing Circle on Tuesday. Cost $650 Deposit $150. Balance due 14 days prior to start of retreat.