BioSpiritual Focusing

Deepen your connection with
“The One in whom we live and move and have our being”

BioSpiritual Focusing provides a way to bring the body’s sense of grace and God into everyday awareness, helping you to become more fully present to yourself, others, and God.  This process is based on the work of Dr. Eugene Gendlin, which Frs. Pete Cambell and Edwin McMahon further developed. Together they explored and identified the process implications for Christian spirituality.  As you participate in this life-giving and life-changing process, you will become more aware of the sacred story you carry in your own body and the movement of Grace in your life.

Focusing is a simple and practical way to access your bodily wisdom.  It is the place within you of unfolding creativity and healing.  Learning takes place in the respectful atmosphere of small groups.  To learn more about whether BioSpiritual Focusing is suitable for you, call Genesis at 413-562-3627.

Quotes from participants in BioSpiritual Focusing (BSF) programs


I had discovered an invisible, hidden world of moving air that I might never have noticed without…a hawk deliberately hitching a ride skyward in its sure and steady embrace…I carried this experience inside for a long time, gradually coming to recognize that hidden, invisible currents were active in my own life as well.

Fr. Peter Campbell

Your physically felt body is in fact part of a gigantic system of here and other places, now and other times, you and other people – in fact, the whole universe.  The sense of being bodily alive in a vast system is the body as it is felt from the inside.

Eugene Gendlin

As a therapist, I bring BSF to clients when it feels right, and they have responded very favorably.  BioSpirituality brings more self-love into one’s life by virtue of making it possible to truly experience the Oneness of which we are all a part.  When I am Focusing, being kind to myself and allowing my feelings to just be what they are, invariably I begin to experience that we are all One.

Book Study and Practicum participant

The 6-day BioSpiritual Focusing retreat was fantastic. The whole program greatly exceeded my expectations.  The combination of a class in the morning, followed by an individual session in the afternoon was perfect.  The rest of the time was unscheduled, so I was free to process what I had learned.  The individual sessions were powerful.  After the first individual Focusing session, I felt like I had done a year’s worth of therapy in one session!  The facilitators were top notch.

Retreat participant

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