Our Programs
Truly, it is in the darkness that one finds the light, so when we are in sorrow, then this light is nearest of all to us.
– Meister Eckhart
Upcoming Programs & Retreats
Private Retreat
BioSpiritual Focusing 10 Week Book Study and Practicum
With Donna O'Connor and Mike Smoolca
Nurturing Your Spirit: A 5 or 7 Day Lenten Silent Directed Retreat
With Carol Mitchell, Ph.D.
Nurturing Your Spirit: A 5 or 7 Day Lenten Silent Directed Retreat
With Nan Bouche
Access Your Inner Room with Centering Prayer
With F. Bill Sheehan, OMI
Verses of the Soul: A Virtual Poetry Journey
With Jo Ann Bourquard
Lenten Simple Supper Series: Sacred Silence
With Joseph Krans, OFS
Lenten Simple Supper Series: Making Room for the Holy
With Eileen Epperson
Lenten Simple Supper Series: Sowing Wildflowers
With MaryAnne Davey
Healing Hearts: Walking with Grief – An Eight-Week Series
With Donna Dellacamera and Nancy Janiszewski
Unleash Your Inner Artist: An Exploration of Art Journaling
With Peg Considine BFA, M.Ed.
Lenten Simple Supper Series: The Liminality of Lent: Embracing the Space Between
With Colleen Mollica
Nurturing Your Spirit: 6-Day Silent Directed Retreat
With Mary Ann Connolly, SC
Nurturing Your Spirit: 6-Day Silent Directed Retreat
With Jo Ann Bourquard
Ecological Stations of the Cross: A Journey of Environmental Reflection
With Joseph Krans, OFS
By His Cross and Resurrection: A Triduum Retreat
With Joseph Krans, OFS
Wild Awakenings
With Deb Ondo
Embracing the Journey: A Women’s Retreat on the Spiritual and Psychological Dimensions of Aging
With Betty Hill Crowson
6-Day Silent Directed Retreat
With Nancy Sheridan, SASV
6-Day Silent Directed Retreat
With Nicki Verploegen, Ph.D.
Embracing the Journey: A Women’s Retreat on the Spiritual and Psychological Dimensions of Aging
With Betty Hill Crowson
6-Day Silent Directed Retreat
With Fr. Michael Broderick
6-Day Silent Directed Retreat
With Nancy Sheridan, SASV
Unleash Your Inner Guide: Mastering the Art of Retreat and Workshop Facilitation
With Betty Hill Crowson
Guided BioSpiritual Focusing Weeklong Retreat
With Donna O'Connor and Mike Smoolca
4-Day Silent Directed Retreat
With MaryAnne Davey
Nurturing Healing: A 5-Day Journey to Transform Pain into Purpose
With Betty Hill Crowson