Rev. Dr. Eileen Epperson
The Reverend Eileen Epperson (Presbyterian) has been a college, hospital, and hospice chaplain as well as a pastor in several churches over the past 31 years. Her ministry is now spiritual life-coaching and spiritual direction. She is a bereavement counselor and designs retreats and workshops in communication, forgiveness, and spiritual growth. She created The Forgiveness Process® for individuals and has led over 50 forgiveness workshops in four states over the past eleven years.
Lenten Simple Supper Series 1: Making Room for the Holy
Opening the Door to God’s Abiding Love
Lent Begins on Wednesday, February 14! We hope you can join us for some or all of our Lenten Simple Supper Series beginning Thursday, February 15 at Genesis.
Other Dates: February 22, February 29, March 7 and March 14.
All programs will begin with a simple supper at 6:00 pm followed by a workshop until 8:00 pm. You can register for the entire series or just the ones that work with your schedule. Individual sessions are priced at $35.00 each; the package price for the entire season is $150 for five evenings.
Facilitated by Rev. Eileen Epperson:
There is a huge spiritual cost to keeping the clutter of unfinished business lying around. God’s love is always there but we literally cannot see it until we let go of what is physically and metaphorically behind the closet door. Cleaning, clearing, updating, releasing, finishing, and/or intentionally abandoning projects helps open the door to receiving God’s abiding love.
Join in a supportive community with others as we dig deeper to clear the clutter of our places, spaces, and minds to let God more fully into our lives.