Don Bisson, FMS
Br. Don Bisson, FMS is, first and foremost, a spiritual director and is widely respected as a specialist in the training, formation and supervision of spiritual directors.
A Marist brother based in Esopus, New York, he has graduate degrees in liturgy, spirituality, and transpersonal psychology, and earned his Doctor of Ministry at the Pacific School of Religion specializing in Spiritual Direction and Jungian Psychology. With more than 90 live audio recordings available, Brother Bisson is internationally recognized for his lectures, workshops, and retreats on the interrelationship of Christian spirituality and Jungian psychology.
His soulful humanity makes Don attractive to the hundreds of people who find their way to virtually everything he offers. He is a man committed to “walking the talk.” From this commitment comes a grounded wisdom and an authentic humility. His gems of wisdom have been formed in the heat and pressure of the deep underground passage of his own healing journey in God. Compassion for what it means to be human is the result, alongside clarity about the compelling call of the Spirit to “wake up” and participate consciously in God’s purposes in our world. This waking up is not an achievement but a process that invites him–and us–into a transformation that is ongoing.
Awakening in the Second Journey
Life can disturb, disrupt and paradoxically can explode into a new way of being. This workshop is for people of all ages who have felt seduced by the undertow of the Reality of God for a greater purpose in life. How do we co-operate with its desires? How do we communicate this Reality to others? Can we challenge others to potentially follow with us? These and many other topics will be discussed. Come and form a community called to awake.