Donna O'Connor
Donna O’Connor completed the Spiritual Direction Internship Program in Bloomfield, CT in 2006. She has focused her 1:1 work entirely at Genesis since that time. Having taught fitness/yoga classes for over thirty years now, Donna has a particular interest in helping people who struggle with weight, body image and disordered eating, and is experienced in 12-Step Spirituality.
5-Day Silent Directed BioSpiritual Focusing Retreat
BioSpiritual Focusing re-awakens your senses and allows your body’s wisdom to guide you into greater wholeness. It is “sensing” unique personal meanings and directions that come from deep inside you. As you immerse yourself in this life-changing process, you will become more aware of the sacred that you carry in your body and the movement of grace in your life.
The format for these retreats is very similar to a Silent Directed Retreat. Retreatants meet daily with a spiritual companion, focusing on noticing and nurturing feelings held in the body. Prior experience with BioSpiritual Focusing is necessary.
Facilitator / Spiritual Director: Donna O’Connor